Happy Friday Strikers! I hope the end of the month is coming to accomplishing some of your goals or at least kicking off your year to a great start! So, The word "SELFISH" has this negative stigma and it's like this "BAD" thing or characteristic to have. However, I believe that everything has its pros and cons. Yes, of course, being so selfish that you forget about what is important or even come to a disconnect with society as a whole isn't what I'm really talking about here. What I'm trying to say is, it's okay to be selfish for yourself. If you ever need to seclude yourself from others because you're focusing on yourself, then do that. If you need to use all your time to plan, pursue and develop goals that will lead you to a happier version of yourself, it's okay. If being away from social media to not get distracted or not compare yourself to other people who are achieving their goals and so on. DO that. This is sounding...
Join me on my journey through entrepreneurship and personal development. In this blog, I will discuss things relating to my profession as a social media marketer and other topics relating becoming our best selves through growth.