Hey Strikers!
Happy Friday everyone, I hope your week was a good one and are getting ready to relax for the weekend. Lately, I’ve been posting on Monday’s but I recently launched a podcast last week and thought it would be even better if I switched my days around. To quickly summarize the concept of my podcast, let’s just say it’s mostly focused on personal growth as I do here but a little different. The name of my podcast is “Let’s Grow w/ Sidney Andino”; I’ll leave a link below in this post for you to check it out if you’re interested in learning more about it!
Now that that’s all out of the way, I wanted to talk about goals. Not just any goals but monthly goals. I feel like a lot of the time I was in high school, (almost 8 years ago, boy where does the time go?!) teachers always asked me what my goals were a year from now, 5 years and even 10 years. Like, I hardly even know my age half the time! Well anyway, I found that setting goals closer to a reachable timeframe was much easier and gave them that “accomplishment” feeling when I reached my goals.
So lately, when I’m setting up my planner for the month, I jot down what new things I want to try, what projects I’m hoping to complete, where I want to be in my fitness journey, even things like what book I want to finish by the end of the month! As I’ve been able to check these things off and being able to see the work I’ve been putting into teaching these goals the more motivated I am to set next month's goals!
You can always use these from a business standpoint as well. I’m sure everyone has experienced having monthly work goals, sometimes it’s meeting a quota, launching a new product, and so on! So during the weekend, maybe on Sunday when you have time, write out your goals and plan out during the month how you’ll reach it!
Also, don’t forget to check out the podcast!
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