Happy Friday Strikers!
I hope the end of the month is coming to accomplishing some of your goals or at least kicking off your year to a great start!
So, The word "SELFISH" has this negative stigma and it's like this "BAD" thing or characteristic to have. However, I believe that everything has its pros and cons. Yes, of course, being so selfish that you forget about what is important or even come to a disconnect with society as a whole isn't what I'm really talking about here.
What I'm trying to say is, it's okay to be selfish for yourself. If you ever need to seclude yourself from others because you're focusing on yourself, then do that. If you need to use all your time to plan, pursue and develop goals that will lead you to a happier version of yourself, it's okay. If being away from social media to not get distracted or not compare yourself to other people who are achieving their goals and so on. DO that. This is sounding like a rant, which is not what I'm going for here. It's like I've said in like the second episode of my podcast; "NOONE IS GOING TO DO FOR YOU WHAT YOU"D DO FOR YOU." Point. Blank. Period. As much as we want to depend on others to get us where we want to be, it's really up to us.
Being selfish sometimes means that you acknowledge that you matter just as much as everyone matters to you. However, you matter a little bit more because you can't give yourself to others if you don't care for yourself first. It's okay to prioritize what you need and want. We do it every day, these goals we set, big or small is somewhat selfish in the fact that we want to do them for this inner feeling of accomplishments, growth, financial stability and so on. Some of us, however, don't get to those goals because we prioritize others before ourselves and get distracted.
Now, I'm not saying that you should be 100% selfish if you have like a family and kids but I'm simply saying that just because life gets in the way sometimes, it doesn't mean that you no longer matter and all these goals and dreams are now somehow invalid. On the contrary, family, friends, significant others and so on are all relationships that we like to focus on. But what about the relationship we have with ourselves? Who says you can't still be an individual with goals to achieve while having all of these other responsibilities?
Being selfish can help you find or achieve balance in your life. It can help you find out more about yourself, it's rewarding when you push yourself and grow. It can allow you to be less stressed especially if you take it upon yourself to focus on your mental, emotional and physical health. I think a lot of us give so much that when we get to the end of the day and we try to replenish some of that we give to others for ourselves, it's sometimes impossible. So find some time or make a decision to make time for you and be selfish.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and can take something from this today!
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