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Day 11 of the Personal Growth Challenge

It's Day 11 of the personal growth challenge already, let's dive into the question of the day.

Day 11: April 18th

Question: Is spirituality an important part of my life?

First, I want to ask the question. What is spirituality? Is it religion? A sense of growth and happiness? I think everyone has their own definition of the word. But I guess I can answer these perspectives of the word.
When it comes to religion. The concept within itself carries a very complex meaning to me, As a child, You see, when I was  2 years old, my family stated and decided that we were Jehovah Witness. There was a woman who taught us about the religion and somewhere along the way, she became my stepmother. So, after that happened, my life was never the same and religions changed but then it was never consistent. I noticed a lot of inconsistencies when it came to religions. It was hey it's Easter, we need to find a church. Or something intense happens within our family and we must go to church to solve everything. That's just not how it works and so that's why I chose at an early age that I was not going to identify myself within a religion I wasn't really actively practicing. I wanted to find my way into one. Instead, I've found myself not pressuring myself to find the right one and being okay with believing in a higher power. 
I feel more confident expressing the concept of spirituality via growth and happiness. Mainly because I can see the progress and I've never been so in love with the person I am. I say this because I know that I'm utterly and still completely flawed. However, my mind feels lighter and I have pushed myself to be better than the day before even more now than ever. I never saw myself growing this much and I have so much to learn and to overcome but I love my ambition and my freedom to be myself. I love that I'm helping others more actively. Love that I'm expressing myself more and building my confidence. I wake up every day more grateful than the last and I continuously push my mind to grow. All of these things bring me happiness and I relate it to spiritually and I guess that's a major important part of my life. 
How do you all interpret this question? 
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Sidney Anidno
Spartanburg, SC, United States
Hey, my name is Sidney. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and moved to Spartanburg, South Carolina in 2018. This blog is mainly going to focus on personal development and things I've continued to learn about becoming an entrepreneur and the changes that come with social media marketing.