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Day 19 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers!

I've been super inconsistent with keeping up with this blog and the challenge overall. I've been having a few difficulties within the entrepreneur life. Like Time Management! I know, I made an entry earlier in my blog about it but things have just been out of whack. This just goes to show that everyone has something they grow through! Just an ordinary person, I'm just like everyone else.

Day 19: April 26th

Question: Am I settling in areas of my life where I should be reaching for more?

I believe that I settle unintentionally in a few areas. I settle with my acne, therefore not going out of my way to figure out why I have it. Sometimes I settle when I run out of time to get things done and I just push them back. In a way, like this challenge. One thing that I've noticed is that I slowly became okay with procrastination and in a world of wanting to build your own business and build your brand, it's totally not acceptable. 

So, I've done a little bit of self-reflection, laid out my planner or bullet journal, I suppose for the month. I added this new page for monthly goals so that I can keep myself accountable. I have days when I have self-doubt and it's a natural part of life. On these days, I find myself having to overcome the urge to settle and do the minimal amount of work. 

I think I still just have a lot of growth to endure. I'm only 24 and I have so much to learn. I'm not holding this against myself but if anything this question alone has shed some light on several areas that I need to improve. 

What do you all think about this question?


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Hey, I'm Sidney

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Sidney Anidno
Spartanburg, SC, United States
Hey, my name is Sidney. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and moved to Spartanburg, South Carolina in 2018. This blog is mainly going to focus on personal development and things I've continued to learn about becoming an entrepreneur and the changes that come with social media marketing.