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Day 16 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! 

I hope you all had a day filled with positive vibes and happiness.

Day 16: April 23rd

Question: What role should I be playing in that journey? If any?

At this moment in my life, the best way for me to play my role in this journey of humanity is to share my wisdom. By wisdom, I mean share my experiences and lessons with you all. Everyone has their story and yours may not be exactly like mine, in fact, I don't want you to. However, If there is ever a time where I can provide some help, guidance or reassurance, I want to provide that for you. I may be only 24 years old but there are things that we all go through in our lives that can be relatable to each other, 

That's precisely why I started this blog to share my progress and along the way share a few things you can implement into your business and personal lives. It's like that saying "Your success is my success." It's so true. Sharing with you is a way for me to grow as well. Hearing your feedback and perspectives can also provide a whole new outlook on my current life. I've also created a Facebook group under the name " Freedom Hustlers" for those who have questions regarding starting a business and how to make an idea into a business concept. 

Or for example, you already started but need some help in certain areas within their business. Want to learn how to pursue what I do or really just need a safe place to ask for genuine help. Throughout the last few weeks, I have been privileged to get to know new people from other areas in the U.S and just talking to them and connecting has helped me evolve and they have all shed some insight that I can now implement into myself. If I can help one person, then I am happy. Although, helping more would be a life dream. That being said, join the group ask your questions and I will do my best to answer them or connect you to some people in my network that are experts to those questions you may have. 

Let's build on humanity and stop destroying one another. I would love to hear from you all, so subscribe, share and follow!


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Sidney Anidno
Spartanburg, SC, United States
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