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Do you find purpose in your work?

Hey Strikers!

This is back to our original programming!

Do you find purpose in your line of work? Whether you are an employee or a business owner, I think this is a very important question to ask yourself. There have been quite a few people that I have met along the way through networking events that shed some enlightenment on this question. I had the opportunity to meet very successful entrepreneurs but were bored with their career field and talked about starting a new concept within the next few months to years.

So ask yourself, is this something you want to keep doing for the rest of your life? Or maybe even for a long time? Is it something of a stepping stone for your future? For example, I know that growing up I had a job in the gym industry, the financial aid office in college and more but none of those gave me any sense of real purpose. 

Doing social media marketing is what I currently do and to be honest I love it. I love having the ability to be creative and help business owners get their brand and social presence where they want it to be. I'm able to build long term relationships and see how passionate they are. Helping others genuinely makes me happy and that alone gives me purpose. I knew that I wasn't cut out to make coffee every day, especially if I wasn't a coffee enthusiast. 

So tell me, do you find purpose in the work you do? If so, What about it gives you purpose?


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Spartanburg, SC, United States
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