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Day 21 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers!

Day 21: April 28th

Question: What’s stopping me from setting and working toward my goals?

   TIME! Sometimes it feels like there isn't enough of it! I swear I need 72 hour days just to get everything done. I'm sure a lot of you can relate. If not, I salute you and your amazing way to not only be disciplined and consistent with your scheduling. I for one am still practicing methods to help me develop healthy habits. 

    I have this really bad habit that I know I HAVE TO STOP! It's this habit that I honestly don't know when it happened but I do know that it was recent. I realized that as I work throughout the day and even NOW as I'm writing these entries at midnight. I have this habit of watching Netflix or Hulu and it totally holds me back. So, I guess I've figured out why my time management is terrible. 

     And so, I've literally shut off the episode of "Friends" that had my eyes glued to these two screens. (Laptop and my phone) I tried calling it multitasking but it was not even close. Tried out some music instead. 

     Ultimately, I believe that nothing and no one can hold me back other than, myself. So, I suppose I need to do more and be better. I will do better.

What's holding you back?


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Sidney Anidno
Spartanburg, SC, United States
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