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Day 30 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers!

It's the last day of the Growth Challenge!

Day 30: May 7th
Question: Would I be happy and content with my life if the world ended tomorrow?

I don't think I would be happy. Not because I didn't appreciate everyone and everything in my life that I have. But because I wouldn't have the ability to achieve the goals I had in mind. I wouldn't have the opportunity to see my success/ see my hard work pay off. I wouldn't have said enough to the people that I care for, that I love them.

Other than that, I would say yes because I took risks. I put myself out there, I did my best and I will continue to do so until the very last second. There wouldn't be any regrets just a bittersweet sadness to not see what this world would become after tomorrow.
How do you feel about this question? Can you relate to my answer? Anyway, hope you're all having an amazing day and hope you all subscribe and leave a comment below!


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Sidney Anidno
Spartanburg, SC, United States
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