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Day 24 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers!

Day 24: May 1st
Question: Am I doing what I truly want to be doing with myself and my life?

I have so many things that I want to do for myself and my life. I want to continue painting which at this moment I have not been doing. I'm been focusing more on my business and the refining of my systems to make the customer experience exemplary. 

I am doing what I truly want to be doing with my life because through my business, I am helping other business owners grow and scale their business. As cliche as this sounds their success is my success and they're happy. 

It's almost like boosting their confidence and validating their services or products and it's pretty awesome. It's like when I was in high school and everyone validated my artwork.

I do more personal growth and try to inspire others, building genuine connections and sharing my journey. The hardships and the accomplishments are all shared as well to be as originally myself. Maybe I can be relatable to others and my lessons learned and shared to others can open up a different perspective.

What do you all think about this question?
Does it make you question what you're doing?


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Sidney Anidno
Spartanburg, SC, United States
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