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9 Tips for Self-motivation ✨

Hey Strikers!

It’s been a minute since my last post, I’ve been consumed by finishing up the making and editing of all the videos to course we have coming out on June 30th! So, save the date and Keep an eye out for when it’s released!  
Now, let’s get to the topic of the day. I wanted to touch basis on one of the difficulties people endure on a daily basis and even more as an entrepreneur. Since beginning my entrepreneur adventure, I found myself on this journey of growth but it’s a one day at a time process. So, here are just a few things I do to motivate myself when I’m having a rather difficult day. 

  1. Procrastination & Mindset

This is always the first step/ tip to keep in mind. When things aren’t going our way, we have the urge to not want to do it anymore and eventually get in our heads. We start belittling our goals and tearing apart what we are creating. The negativity gets on the driver's seat and takes over. This is the first thing we must “nip in the bud” before it gets overwhelming. To counter this, I meditate or read. 

2. Just do it!

What I mean is, stop overthinking. I’m totally guilty of doing this myself. I get stuckin these what if moments and scenarios I create in my head in order to distract myself from getting uncomfortable and doing what I need to do. Honestly, having a person to keep me accountable helps a lot. My boyfriend Michael is really good at keeping me grounded with logic. The truth is, most of the time doing something out of your comfort zone is... growth. So, do yourself a favor, stop thinking of all the reasons you shouldn’t do it & focus on the potential growth you can obtain on the other side of it. Just do it! 

3. Daily Habits

This is a HUGE tip. Honestly, creating daily habits leads to a daily routine and what else? Consistency! It’s a big deal. I use things like a bullet journal to list my habits and track them, set alarms and I recently downloaded the app “Strides” to help with my productivity. I’m still in the early stages of trying it out but so far I’m liking it. I’ll go in depth on my review/ experience with it in my next post. 

4. Breaks

This is as essential as breathing. Take several breaks when doing something for long periods of time. Your brain is a muscle as well. If you overwork it, it will crash. Go for a walk, eat a snack, HYDRATE. Try working for 60-90 minute periods and take breaks as needed.

5. Remember

Remember why you even started in the first place. What was that push that made you take that leap of faith and pursue something you always thought about but constantly hesitated to try out? What are your goals and you’re reasons why? Use the answer to reignite the fire to keep going!

6. Beware of Burnout

We all know when we are starting to lose interest in the work we are doing. We start to get distracted and put in less effort into success. I get distracted, I find myself browsing and scrolling mindlessly or watching something on Hulu. I’ll start giving myself excuses to not work anymore and it's usually a result of not taking a break and try to push through it all. 

7. Exercise

Challenge yourself at the gym or even at home. Try out doing some yoga to help you concentrate and more. It’s a great way to destress and even get more energized. Personally, for me, I enjoy when I push myself at the gym to achieve a new personal record (PR). It reminds me of my potential and gets me pumped to get back to work!

8. Talk it out!

Call a friend or a family member, it goes a long way. Everyone needs a support system and who better than the people who believe in you. I’ve been able to bond with my parents on a whole new level because I finally understand that because they are immigrants, they had no choice but to be entrepreneurs. It’s definitely shed some light talking to them when I’m having a difficult time. Along with that, your business/ life partner is another great support system. Michael is going through the same thing with me and being able to lean on each other for reassurance is really amazing. 

9. List it

This is almost like a visual reminder. Actively right all the things you want to achieve/ accomplish and then write down what you need to do to get there. When you’ redone, you’ll basically create a road map to your goals. 💁🏻
I hope these are as helpful for you as they are for me! Leave a comment on what you do differently. Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog and get your free ebook! 


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Hey, I'm Sidney

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Sidney Anidno
Spartanburg, SC, United States
Hey, my name is Sidney. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and moved to Spartanburg, South Carolina in 2018. This blog is mainly going to focus on personal development and things I've continued to learn about becoming an entrepreneur and the changes that come with social media marketing.