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Plan with me || June Setup Tutorial

Happy Monday Strikers!

So today, my youtube bullet journal tutorial is live on my Youtube channel!
I did a brief poll on my Instagram story about whether or not this should be my next video. A lot of you said yes and that was exciting. It did take me a little bit longer than expected. I actually recreated it two separate times but the first attempt was out of angle so you couldn't see the actual tutorial.

After laughing at myself for my failed attempt, I re-recorded it and in the end, it was a total of 1.5 hours and I had to consolidate it as much as possible. Mind you, I'm still learning about iMovie and editing videos, doing voice-overs and what not. I was able to keep the video to a maximum of 30 mins and a lot, I mean A LOT of it was fast forwarded. I'm really enjoying the challenge of learning all of this being a new youtuber experience. So, check it out below and I'd love your feedback, would you like me to do more?  Don't forget to subscribe!


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Sidney Anidno
Spartanburg, SC, United States
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