Hey Strikers,
I've been really off lately with the blog. Feels like a lot has been taking over my attention, like a few changes in the business, adding the whole youtube experience/ fitness vlogging series to my plate and all of the terrifying things happening in the United States.
I wanted to put in my two cents in what has been happening or rather use this platform to somewhat vent. My heart is really heavy and aching right now for humans in general. I understand that there is so much happening all at once, even at this very moment.
I've been having some pretty open dialogues with some of my friends about how incredibly scary it is to feel like world is turning its back to you. I am 25 years old. An offspring of immigrant parents. Latin ''immigrant" parents. Who have sacrificed their native homeland to give me this one. The one often referred to as the "Land of the free." Where we have normalized hate crimes and racism. Where we have decided that it's okay to separate families and cage children. There has been such a lack of respect for human lives lately and its kind of scary. I personally believe that our nationalities, background, our skin color, religion and etc shouldn't determine how we can be kind to each other. The words " Don't talk to strangers" are engraved in our minds and literally instills fear in us. Of the unknown. Therefore never giving others a chance to get over categorizing others for being different. We're all lost and trying to figure out how to live our best lives, be the best versions of ourselves and embrace what opportunities this life is trying to give us. I just wanted to write this post to basically say, that it is okay to be different cause we were never meant to be identical. So maybe, we should be more open-minded to others and to what we can all offer each other. Instead of focusing on the infinite ways we are different because I promise you if you look at anyone in your closest inner circle, like your family. You're different and you still love them.
As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts. I genuinely appreciate it and hope that today is an amazing one! I'll be posting soon about my original topics in the next few days.
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