It feels so good to be back and today I wanted to share a few things you can start implementing into your life to help reduce negativity. Some of these tips I have had to do personally and even shared as advice to others.
01 Verbal Awareness
As I've mentioned before in a prior post, everything begins with your mind. First, let's be honest, we talk to ourselves all day, every day. We are constantly, whether consciously or subconsciously get submerged in our thoughts. Therefore, we alone are the one voice we here first thing in the morning and the last every night. So, why not attempt writing down some of the thoughts you have? it's strange but you see your thoughts from a different perspective when it's visible. Then analyze how you're talking to yourself. Are you constantly telling yourself you can't do something and setting limits to your own potential? Do this a few times and you'll slowly build awareness and begin making positive changes.
02 If you're not happy, change it.
What I mean by this is simple. Stop complaining and do something about it. Of, course it's always easier said than done. Sometimes, we do it subconsciously when we vent to others but try to catch yourself and find a way to change it. We tend to complain about things but never use that same amount of effort to change the situation. For example, it's pretty common for some people to not be happy where they work. Maybe it's because of the management, the pay, a lack of passion or a million other reasons. However, just like those million reasons, there is an abundance of jobs and opportunities. You just have to look or make it happen. Personally, I love my body but I'm not content with where it is because it's not where I want to be. So, I make the effort to make healthier choices to change it.
03 Make this your priority.
This is something I have to establish myself in many areas of my life in general but first, think about why you are wanting to reduce negativity in the first place. Write it done, put it somewhere you will see it daily if you have to. If this is something you really want, then it's important and you should be able to remind yourself of those reasons. Otherwise, like everyone else, myself included we will put it in the back burner and forget and continue being unhappy.
04 Choose your inner circle wisely.
This one is pretty vital in my opinion. There is a saying that goes "You are an average of the 5 people you spend time with the most." With that being said, choose wisely on who gets to have your time and attention. We tend to take for granted time in general and we will never get that back. Although this can be difficult, sometimes cleansing the toxic people in your life will be for the greater good. Sometimes, we can't completely get rid of these connections and that's understandable. Keeping them at a distance is always doable.
This one really hits me pretty personal if I'm being honest. I have this younger sister, she just turned 18. On her birthday, she invited some friends over for a sleepover(she's still in high school). She was so excited, there were some last-minute cancellations, no gifts (not that it matters) but what struck me was that they all ignored her. They were all on their phones and she cried the whole night. She's actually the reason behind this particular post. Sometimes, you're better off alone than with bad company. There is such a huge disconnect these days when it comes to that human to human connection. The younger generations are really lacking that these days. So, when I say choose wisely I mean, who is there for you as a person and not for what you have to offer such as tangibles or social connections to gain from. Who is really there to support you and stand by your side? Who makes you a better person and adds value to your life? These are all valid questions and important ones at that. Having more positivity in your life also means who is in your circle that is helping you rise and makes you want to do the same for them?
Setting boundaries is going to be difficult at first. I don't know about you guys but I don't always establish my boundaries to myself or to others. As we know and sometimes forget that time is precious because we can't go back and use it differently.
So for example, have you ever found yourself sounded by people who constantly complain about things in their lives. To the point where if a fly passing by they can complain about it for hours or maybe even all day. Now, I'm not saying that I never complain or that it's not okay for people to vent but let's be frank here; you aren't using your time wisely and there is no benefit to sticking around 4 hours later hearing the same complaint that doesn't even pertain to you.
Setting a healthy boundary for yourself is knowing when to be a great friend listener to friends and family but also knowing how much time you are willing to invest in it and setting almost like a time limit for it and them=n moving on to what your priorities are. Not to mention, listening to complaints day in and out can change your mood and even set the tine for your mindset and you begin lingering in negative thought that could then spiral into being unproductive and more. Overall, I believe we all need to set boundaries for ourselves as far as what we are willing to endure and not. Along with setting boundaries with others so that they don't have an opportunity to step on your toes or etc.
It's okay to vent and complain here and there but the objective is to find a solution or simply move forward from it.
Setting boundaries is going to be difficult at first. I don't know about you guys but I don't always establish my boundaries to myself or to others. As we know and sometimes forget that time is precious because we can't go back and use it differently.
So for example, have you ever found yourself sounded by people who constantly complain about things in their lives. To the point where if a fly passing by they can complain about it for hours or maybe even all day. Now, I'm not saying that I never complain or that it's not okay for people to vent but let's be frank here; you aren't using your time wisely and there is no benefit to sticking around 4 hours later hearing the same complaint that doesn't even pertain to you.
Setting a healthy boundary for yourself is knowing when to be a great friend listener to friends and family but also knowing how much time you are willing to invest in it and setting almost like a time limit for it and them=n moving on to what your priorities are. Not to mention, listening to complaints day in and out can change your mood and even set the tine for your mindset and you begin lingering in negative thought that could then spiral into being unproductive and more. Overall, I believe we all need to set boundaries for ourselves as far as what we are willing to endure and not. Along with setting boundaries with others so that they don't have an opportunity to step on your toes or etc.
It's okay to vent and complain here and there but the objective is to find a solution or simply move forward from it.
06 Plan ahead but if it doesn't go as planned, it's okay.
This is something I'm so guilty of doing, For me, it all has to do with time management and adding more to my already spilling plate. This basically means if you're making a conscious effort to make some positive changes and you sometimes fall off of it; just know that it's okay. it takes time and repetition. So be a little loving to yourself and just get back on that wagon if you fall off and pick up where you left off. Gove yourself some time to build up your habits and consistency. Things that I do to help me are exercising for sure, journaling, I'm trying to be consistent with this blog and youtube but I do fall off sometimes but that's literally okay. we are all human.
So things that you could try, exercise, journaling, meditating maybe switching the music to some interesting podcasts or even reading. Whatever it is, all it takes is initiative to start and to get back to it.
07 Positive vibes and Joy.
Be honest with yourself, what makes you happy? Life can be so overwhelming and sometimes we have a tendency to spread ourselves thin that we forget to make time for ourselves. So, make a conscious effort to do something you love to do or that simply makes you happy. for example it can be as simple as watching your favorite movie with one of your favorite people, visiting a friendly face, sometimes for me it's painting.
Spending time doing things that make you happy is almost refreshing and even now, if you reading sit back and think about all the good that is around you could bring more positive awareness. So try that, try to be more aware of all the good around you on a day to day process and soon it'll have a positive mindset affect on you.
I hope you guys really enjoyed this and I look forward to hearing some of your feedback! Other than that, thanks for joining me and I'm sending you all positive vibes.
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