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So I've been on a journey... and here's what I've learned so far.

 Hello hello Strikers,

It's been a very long time since I've blogged. A LOT has happened since my last post.

For example, WE"RE IN A PANDEMIC. 

I'm sure a lot of us were not expecting that at all and it most definitely showed some of the world's inner demons thru hate, and so on.

We've learned that RACISM is still at the top of the list of what's wrong in our country. (shocker) 

Oh, I decided to sign up for a bodybuilding competition a few weeks before everything shut down especially gyms. My Thought process was simple. I'm not happy with where I'm at in my health and fitness journey. This is the time to work on me and used the competition as a big incentive because ya girl had to pay for that! One thing I've learned in the marketing business is if you pay for it, you do it or it becomes more important to you. It's mainly because in the back of your head all you hear is CHA-CHIIIIIIING! Or so I do at least.

Oh, I'm going through a break-up which is such an odd experience within itself but I'll come back to that in a bit.

Amid all of these things, I was focused on a journey of self-love. At the age of 26, I found myself lost. I felt overwhelmed, blindsided, alone, and almost as if everything I was working towards as all of a sudden, gone. 

Now that we've got all of the big things out of the way, let's dissect what I've actually learned. 

1. You can't pour from an empty cup.

This applies to several things. One of them being that I am typically the type of partner to give my all to a relationship. I'm devoted, but sometimes I devote too much. Almost to the point where I forget to do things that I like or do things that make me feel fulfilled. I've put other people's desires, wants, and needs over mine to keep them, happy. Sometimes telling myself that as long as they are happy so am I. Which has proven to not be true. 

2. INVEST in yourself.

Like yeah sure splurge and buy shit you want, go to places and all that fun jazz. What I actually mean is, for example, my fitness journey. I wasn't happy, I committed to something, and not only was there a monetary investment; I've invested my time, tears, and sweat to this. I've invested the time to meal prep my meals, plan ahead, and build the determination to go to the gym twice a day if I have to in order to achieve my goals.  Invest in yourself by reflecting on what you're needs and priorities are. Establish how to fulfill them and if you have a significant other how to rearrange a few things so that you're both genuinely happy instead of just one.

3. #Bebetterthanyesterday

We. Are. Human. We aren't perfect by any means. I have flaws and they don't fall in one category only. They are physical, emotional, mental, and so forth. The goal isn't the pursuit of perfection. If you fuck up today, reflect on it, how did everything go into a downward spiral? What can you differently next time? What are the qualities that can be improved? Here's my quick list.

a. Communication | stop playing hard to get and say how you feel

b. Mindset | practice seeing the cup half full instead of empty

c. Emotional stability | Learn to be independent when it comes to your happiness. Don't rely on others for it because all you have is you.

d. Stop living in the past | The past has already happened and you can't change any of it. Work on building a happier tomorrow because you deserve that and more

e. Learn to spend time with yourself | do things you like and be carefree

f. Stop putting your energy into sadness and anger | Let that shit go. It's not helping you grow feeding into that. Quickly feel it and move on.

g. Stop trying to control everything in your life | It's literally impossible to control life and people. Eat your shit sandwich of the day and adapt. people come and go, be open to the new opportunities ahead.

4. Your fears ain't got shit on you.

Wow, I had the biggest fear of driving and I got comfortable being in the passenger seat. Well, my ex got a new mustang and gave me our old car and I had to get over the fear of driving. I'm not perfect but I can get on with my day Like I'm literally fine. I had the biggest fear of being alone and like I said earlier. My break up isn't typical. Yes, I thought the world was ending, and then guess what? the next day still came, the sun still came up and guess what? It's still happening. We are both focusing on ourselves, still fucking best friends, we communicate a lot better and I mean it's not the social norm but we still live together. Not sure what the future holds, to be honest, but I'm not going to sit here and wait or dwell on it. I've already proven to myself that I can be selfish and spend time alone, sleep alone again, go to the gym alone, and so on.  Honestly, it's all mental anyway. You cant control the outside world outside of yourself. Focus on that and use that as a key to unlock your potential. 

It's nice to be back!


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Sidney Anidno
Spartanburg, SC, United States
Hey, my name is Sidney. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and moved to Spartanburg, South Carolina in 2018. This blog is mainly going to focus on personal development and things I've continued to learn about becoming an entrepreneur and the changes that come with social media marketing.