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Showing posts from April, 2019

10 Reasons Facebook Live Video is Good for YOUR Business

Hey Strikers! I fell off the blogging wagon for a few days. However, I think you guys would enjoy these tips! 1. Preferences of people Statistically,  80% of people prefer to watch a live video from a brand than a blog post. 82% would rather watch a live video than a social media post. Marketers are always talking about how our readers/customers are "KING" and how we should tailor our content to their needs. Videos are pretty interactive and it holds your audience's attention for longer periods of time. 2. Simple and direct To further elaborate, let's assume you've created both a Facebook account and a Youtube account to promote your business. You created a new Youtube video and are wanting to share the link with your followers within a Facebook post. Chances of your audience clicking on the link are very slim. How many of you have had that  “uhh I have to switch from Facebook to Youtube”  feeling? Your audience has the same exact feelin...

7 Reason Why You Need A Content Marketing Strategy In Your Business

Hey Strikers! Today I wanted to share with you a few tips and reasons as to why implementing a content marketing strategy into your business is not only ideal but necessary.  1.  Content makes you a thought leader. By that I mean, utilizing your expertise and doing even more research about your niche and product. Then publishing what you have learned with your audience. This will then put you in light of being a thought leader. 2. Content educates your audience. Posting or publishing content can be used to educate your audience. Whether it's resolving an issue or problem. Either way, you will be providing a solution and possibly raising questions. 3. Content builds a relationship with your audience.  Sharing information with your audience will help you establish a relationship. It can be initiated by an email, a blog post and updating on your social media platforms. Whether it's an article or a picture, you're introducing yourself to your audienc...

Day 18 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! I hope you guys have been following me along this journey and that you are asking yourselves these same questions. Hopefully, they shed some insight about yourself! Day 18: April 25th Question:  Am I working toward being the best version of the person that I can be?           I believe I am. I mean this challenge alone continues to push my boundaries towards making some improvements. I learn a lot about myself when answering these questions. It's been really awesome seeing how much personal growth I've acquired through this challenge alone. I feel a little bit more comfortable talking on camera, I mean I stutter and am doing a lot better about being judged. I used to feel self-conscious about my looks and the lack of wearing make-up but no one literally cares. I've developed more confidence in talking to new people and building connections.      My mindset is still improving but it has definitely changed wit...

Day 17 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers!  It's only the middle of the week and there are so many opportunities that are waiting for us every single day! Day 17: April 24th Question: Do I feel a calling to do something I'm not doing? This is a loaded question, I believe I have a calling to do several things! However, at the moment I can't do them all. I want to focus on achieving my small goals to ultimately reach my potential to do more things I consider a calling. I'm currently focusing on a few of my callings like continuing to build my business and help business owners dominate their market.  Also, as I mentioned before in the last entry helping others with guidance with developing a business. Connecting people to others that are experts and overall aiding to anything I can. I want to bring awareness and advocate for things like immigration, mental health, personal development, emotional awareness, and so much more.  I want to have more time to do my other passion wh...

Day 16 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers!  I hope you all had a day filled with positive vibes and happiness. Day 16: April 23rd Question: What role should I be playing in that journey? If any? At this moment in my life, the best way for me to play my role in this journey of humanity is to share my wisdom. By wisdom, I mean share my experiences and lessons with you all. Everyone has their story and yours may not be exactly like mine, in fact, I don't want you to. However, If there is ever a time where I can provide some help, guidance or reassurance, I want to provide that for you. I may be only 24 years old but there are things that we all go through in our lives that can be relatable to each other,  That's precisely why I started this blog to share my progress and along the way share a few things you can implement into your business and personal lives. It's like that saying "Your success is my success." It's so true. Sharing with you is a way for me to grow as well. Heari...

Day 15 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Happy Monday Strikers! I hope it's been a productive start to your week! Day 15: April 22nd Question: Is it important for me to play a role in the journey of humanity? As usual, go check out my IGTV Channel for the video content. However, I really like this question! My answer is YES. It's definitely important for me to play a role. I am a role model to kids and anyone who looks to me in any way. Anyone who looks to me for advice, for certain things I do for a lifestyle, a business owner and etc. I have the ability to speak to those who feel lost and have no guidance. Or speak up for things that matter, like equality, mental health, and acceptance of others.  I come from immigrant parents so naturally speaking up for immigrants and giving them a voice is a must! At the end of the day, we are all just people trying to get through life the best that we can. It's important for me to play a role in the equality of women and the development or guidan...

Day 14 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Happy Easter Strikers! Don't forget to check out today's off-topic blog post about setting goals! Day 14: April 21st Question: Do my beliefs bring me greater peace or conflict? I keep saying this but it all depends on the situation and belief. I believe in a lot of things. Believing that we all have the potential to overcome struggles and be our best selves. I believe that humans and animals can co-exist without cruelty. I believe meditating has helped me develop more piece of mind BUT just because I meditated that day, it doesn't mean there is no conflict that day. Beliefs like "not wanting to be wrong" lead to conflict, always because I'm being stubborn. Being okay with the belief of knowing that there are things in my life that I cannot control. I can only control how I overcome it and make it better. I think that a few years ago, I'd say that my beliefs lead me into conflicts constantly. I believed that my potential was v...

How often do you set goals for yourself?

Happy Easter Strikers! I wanted to share a few tips you can use to incorporate into your daily lives if you're having a little trouble. I actually do some these in my bullet journal and it has helped me see my progress and stay organized. 1. Choose Achievable Goals Dreaming big comes naturally to you. However, no task is too small when it comes to creating an effective goal-setting process. 2. Be Specific What's the definition of goal setting? I think it's identifying what you need to accomplish and locking in tasks and time frames -- or more simply put, figuring out realistic ways to get what you want quickly. 3. Check-In Weekly Every week, check in with yourself about your progress. How much closer are you to meeting your goals? Are you doing everything you can to make you succeed? 4. Get Up Early You know what they say: The early bird gets the worm. Now, imagine that the worm is an entrepreneurial success. Make use of every secon...

Day 13 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! Day 13: April 20th Question: Why do I believe and feel the things that I do? First, why do we believe in anything? It's usually because of a feeling a belief gives us. So, let's dissect this question a little bit. Again, it feels like it depends on the belief or feeling itself.  Like, I believe that women are equal to men and that everyone is equal in general. I believe that it doesn't matter where you come from, everyone has a story and the potential to be successful. It doesn't matter where we are raised, we will always have our minds and our experiences within life itself that helps us get to our next level selves. I believe in kindness, kindness to the poor, the rich, the disabled, immigrants, humans, and animals.  Like the fact that everyone is just trying to make the best of their lives and situations. I feel strongly because I understand what pain I've endured and the obstacles I've had to overcome. However, I...

Day 12 of the Personal Challenge

Hey Strikers! Day 12: April 19th Question: Should I be incorporating more of my beliefs into my life?      Honestly, I can always be doing more. I think it depends on what belief they are. I think that the beliefs that empower others and yourself. Positive beliefs that help you grow and inspire others to make some kind of change. Meditating and refining my communication skills? Yes, I incorporate this but I'm not the best yet and I definitely have a lot to grow with the concept of communication alone. Beliefs like I think that everyone deserves to be happy and applying that to myself and those around me first hand. Is it constant happiness? No, but I play a role in my own happiness and helping others find theirs if I can.       I believe that not every interaction is meant to be viewed with what's in it for me? That's why I'm okay with just helping and at least listening to others because that's what some people only ask for. I believe...

Day 11 of the Personal Growth Challenge

It's Day 11 of the personal growth challenge already, let's dive into the question of the day. Day 11: April 18th Question: Is spirituality an important part of my life? First, I want to ask the question. What is spirituality? Is it religion? A sense of growth and happiness? I think everyone has their own definition of the word. But I guess I can answer these perspectives of the word. When it comes to religion. The concept within itself carries a very complex meaning to me, As a child, You see, when I was  2 years old, my family stated and decided that we were Jehovah Witness. There was a woman who taught us about the religion and somewhere along the way, she became my stepmother. So, after that happened, my life was never the same and religions changed but then it was never consistent. I noticed a lot of inconsistencies when it came to religions. It was hey it's Easter, we need to find a church. Or something intense happens within our family and we must go to ...

5 Tips on Time Management

Hey Strikers! Forgot to do an additional blog yesterday on a completely different topic from my challenge. So here is one that I know that I am still working on myself but I know you all can benefit from. Ever find yourself getting completely overwhelmed with responsibilities and tasks that need to be completed asap but there isn't enough time? Sometimes it feels like we need to have 72 hr days! I know I'd personally love that myself! However, if we could just do a few tweaks here and there, then we could definitely make a difference. So, here are a few things we can all do decrease the stress levels! 1.  Plan Ahead   This can include things like the following: Set things up the night before, right before going to sleep. Clothes, documents, etc. Have a routine, morning or night. This way there is less time thinking and more time doing. 2. Know your goals     Make sure you’re engaging in activities that support your business goals , both ...

Day 10 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hello, Hello, Hello Strikers! As you can tell, I'm extra energetic today! The podcast collab JUST Aired so I'll link it within the blog so you all have a listen! I would definitely love some feedback and hope that you can get to know me on an even more personal level now. No Rain, No Rainbows.. |Weather the storm -Michael and Sidney Okay, let's get on with today's challenge question! Day 10: April 17th Question: Am I able to love myself with all my positive and negative qualities? In my IGTV Channel, I only share a snippet of my answer! check it out if you want!  @patience_darling I'll answer this in a form of lists, positive and negative! Although, I may not know them all. POSITIVE          - Understanding   - Affectionate     -  Patient          - Expressive   - Okay with my body   - Health Driven    - Growth Mindset   NEGATIVE...

Hey, I'm Sidney

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Sidney Anidno
Spartanburg, SC, United States
Hey, my name is Sidney. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and moved to Spartanburg, South Carolina in 2018. This blog is mainly going to focus on personal development and things I've continued to learn about becoming an entrepreneur and the changes that come with social media marketing.