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Showing posts from May, 2019

5 Podcasts you HAVE to listen to!

Hey Strikers! Just wanted to share a few of the podcasts that I listen to in order to set the tone of the day. It also helps give me perspective on difficult days. Sometimes I wake up with a busy mind and these help me organize it all, These have become essential since becoming an entrepreneur! I hope you guys try them out and I hope they help you! I would love some feedback on what your thoughts are!

Instagram Tips

 Hey Strikers!  Happy Wednesday!  I hope you all are having an amazing week so far, I just wanted to share a quick tip for you all!  This is super helpful when you're trying to get more followers or more awareness to your account! These are primarily for your stories, so here are a few things you can do to increase your audience. Tag people and businesses Include relevant hashtags to grow reach (Max 10, recommend 3-4) Hide hashtags with the color dropper and stickers I went ahead and did a little screen recording on my phone to show you the last step! It's a total game changer! As Always, I hope this was helpful! Don't forget to subscribe and leave a comment!

Memorial Day

Hey Strikers! I just wanted to make a quick post in honor of our soldiers. I may not know first hand what it is like to serve your country but I want to thank them and their families for their sacrifices and service. Without them, I don't know where I'd be. My business partner/ boyfriend is a veteran and I know how important today is for him. Well, I hope you all enjoy making more memories with your family and friends. 

Starting my Youtube channel!

Hey Strikers! So I did a thing and started my own youtube channel! Now you can finally put a face to these blogs and get to know me! This is my very first video but I hope it sparks some comments from you all! Thanks for checking it out! And don't forget to  subscribe!

Day 30 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! It's the last day of the Growth Challenge! Day 30: May 7th Question: Would I be happy and content with my life if the world ended tomorrow? I don't think I would be happy. Not because I didn't appreciate everyone and everything in my life that I have. But because I wouldn't have the ability to achieve the goals I had in mind. I wouldn't have the opportunity to see my success/ see my hard work pay off. I wouldn't have said enough to the people that I care for, that I love them. Other than that, I would say yes because I took risks. I put myself out there, I did my best and I will continue to do so until the very last second. There wouldn't be any regrets just a bittersweet sadness to not see what this world would become after tomorrow. How do you feel about this question? Can you relate to my answer? Anyway, hope you're all having an amazing day and hope you all subscribe and leave a comment below! ...

Day 29 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! Day 29: May 6th Question:  Do I have strong enough boundaries to stay healthy and pursue my goals? To honestly answer this question, I don't believe I have strong enough boundaries and need to work on them in order to pursue my goals. I think that the way to go that is to either have someone keep me accountable or create a system to keep me accountable.  In order to reach my goals, there are still a lot of things that need some improvement. When it comes to staying healthy, I would say the same things apply along with discipline. What do you all think? Have you developed strong boundaries to help you succeed? As always don't forget to subscribe and leave a comment below!

Day 28 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! Day 28: May 5th Question: Am I saying the things that need to be said? I think I'm doing my best to say what I need to say, There are times when we have so much to say, we don't know how or we can't seem to put the words together. I know that personally, I find it difficult to convey the message clearly to whoever my audience is at the moment. I believe that my best times to speak my truth and say the things I want to say come when I'm writing it on paper or typing it out for someone. I think that there are still a lot of things that I need to say but a lot of the times, I'm not fully aware. I know there is still a lot that I have to learn. Are you speaking up? Subscribe to stay up to date! 

Day 27 of the Personal Growth Challenge

                   Hey Strikers! Day 28: May 4th Question: Do people see me differently than I see myself? Of course! I absolutely beli eve that everyone sees me differently than I see myself. I'm alone with my thoughts and inner conversations. I'm still getting to know myself as it is on a daily basis. I'm changing every day, gaining life experiences and so on. There are also those times when someone can see you in light or perspective.  They can see your potential before you and they can understand you before you can understand yourself because they aren't in your head constantly questioning or doubting you. sometimes I rather enjoy other people's perspective of me because they shed light on things that I'm keeping from myself and once it's brought to my attention. I can refine those qualities of myself. Don't forget to subscribe and to leave a comment!

Day 26 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! Day 26: May 3rd Question:  Am I living true to myself, my beliefs and value?        I have no idea how not to be. I don't really conform or settle to please other peoples perception of me. I am unapologetically, myself. If you watch my IGTV channel I rarely do my make up because sharing my bare face with all of its imperfections and I have to accept them all.         I stutter from time to time because I get a little nervous and I still post it as is because that is what growth looks like. Later on, I can see the progression within my confidence and more. I believe in equality and I treat those I meet as my equal. What are you doing to stay true to yourself?

Day 25 of the Personal Growth Challenge

 Hey Strikers! Day 26: May 2nd Question: What would help me feel happy with my life? Happiness is not a constant state of being but I understand that there are things that I can control. I can make daily decisions to help me feel happy with my life. I choose to be grateful for another day of life and the opportunities it provides daily. I choose to meditate in the morning, during breaks and before sleep. It helps me develop a growth-oriented and positive mindset to be the best version of myself. Obviously, working to improve things within my life and continue to build on relationships would help me feel happy.  I believe that we always have the ability to make ourselves happy. What's your opinion on this?

Day 24 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! Day 24: May 1st Question: Am I doing what I truly want to be doing with myself and my lif e? I have so many things that I want to do for myself and my life. I want to continue painting which at this moment I have not been doing. I'm been focusing more on my business and the refining of my systems to make the customer experience exemplary.  I am doing what I truly want to be doing with my life because through my business, I am helping other business owners grow and scale their business. As cliche as this sounds their success is my success and they're happy.  It's almost like boosting their confidence and validating their services or products and it's pretty awesome. It's like when I was in high school and everyone validated my artwork. I do more personal growth and try to inspire others, building genuine connections and sharing my journey. The hardships and the accomplishments are all shared as well to be as originally mysel...

Day 23 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! They just keep coming! Honestly, it's almost 1:30 am and this is probably as far as I'll go but I will continue tomorrow! For sure! Day 23: April 30th Question: Do I have a mental image of my future self? When I think of my future self, aside from the physical changes. Aside from wanting to be fit and strong and hopefully benching 185lbs and repping 275lb which would be amazing! However, in a more in-depth perspective of my future self. I see myself more calm and collected. I'm more patient and knowledgable than I am today. Continuing of self-love and personal growth. Still waking up early, taking cold showers and meditating as my daily routine.  I'm more skilled and I have more automated systems in place and the cherry on top? I'm successful. What is your future image?

Day 22 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! Day 22: April 29th Question: What am I avoiding in my life right now? The number one thing that I would love to avoid, which I'm sure a lot of you again can relate to. If not, I want to be as confident as you! But being an entrepreneur you basically have to build your business from the ground up. I'm sure a lot of you business owners can resonate with this on a personal level. But my biggest "thing" I'm currently avoiding is failure. Failure to grow, to improve and my skills, and the failure of my business. It's true what they say about business owners and how their business is like their baby.  I suppose that's as simple as it gets. I just want success and to make my parents proud. I sometimes put all this pressure on myself to be so much more, you know with being the daughter of immigrants. I mean what is my excuse to not succeed. If my parents could wake up and literally be entrepreneurs cleaning homes and doing...

Day 21 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! Day 21: April 28th Question:  What’s stopping me from setting and working toward my goals?    TIME! Sometimes it feels like there isn't enough of it! I swear I need 72 hour days just to get everything done. I'm sure a lot of you can relate. If not, I salute you and your amazing way to not only be disciplined and consistent with your scheduling. I for one am still practicing methods to help me develop healthy habits.      I have this really bad habit that I know I HAVE TO STOP! It's this habit that I honestly don't know when it happened but I do know that it was recent. I realized that as I work throughout the day and even NOW as I'm writing these entries at midnight. I have this habit of watching Netflix or Hulu and it totally holds me back. So, I guess I've figured out why my time management is terrible.       And so, I've literally shut off the episode of "Friends" that had my eyes g...

Day 20 of the Personal Growth Challenge

  Hey Strikers! Be aware that I will be writing all of the last few days worth of the challenge! Also, go check out my IGTV channel! The link is on the right column of the page! Day 20: April 27th Question:  Do I have a roadmap for my personal and professional development? To be honest, I have an idea of what my roadmaps look like. However, it's not really set in stone. The reason I say that is because life takes its own course and it doesn't always care for what my plans are. Then again because of this, I don't want to have a detailed roadmap for both the personal and business aspects of my life. I think I just like having a few details and an overall concept of what my goals are.        I  find the details along the way and I go through all these loops and unexpected turns in life and I just let life take its course. I find myself through it all and I realize that all of these twist and turns will benefit me in the long run. ...

Day 19 of the Personal Growth Challenge

Hey Strikers! I've been super inconsistent with keeping up with this blog and the challenge overall. I've been having a few difficulties within the entrepreneur life. Like Time Management! I know, I made an entry earlier in my blog about it but things have just been out of whack. This just goes to show that everyone has something they grow through! Just an ordinary person, I'm just like everyone else. Day 19: April 26th Question: Am I settling in areas of my life where I should be reaching for more? I believe that I settle unintentionally in a few areas. I settle with my acne, therefore not going out of my way to figure out why I have it. Sometimes I settle when I run out of time to get things done and I just push them back. In a way, like this challenge. One thing that I've noticed is that I slowly became okay with procrastination and in a world of wanting to build your own business and build your brand, it's totally not acceptable.  So,...

Hey, I'm Sidney

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Sidney Anidno
Spartanburg, SC, United States
Hey, my name is Sidney. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and moved to Spartanburg, South Carolina in 2018. This blog is mainly going to focus on personal development and things I've continued to learn about becoming an entrepreneur and the changes that come with social media marketing.